Portimão City Bike Tour is a reality today after 2 years of proposal to include the event in the calendar

City Bike Tour

City Bike Tour

The official communication in press release said, a total of six hundred people have signed up for the first Portimão City Bike Tour on June 14th. Organised by Sportis and Portimão Council, the Portimão City Bike Tour promises to be a huge success, following the example of cities such as Lisbon, Oporto, Madrid and São Paulo.

Created to motivate people to live healthier lifestyles, the Portimão City Bike Tour will be a 15.5 kilometre course from Portimão’s Naval Club to Praia da Rocha and back.

The number of participants soon reached the maximum of 600 established by the organisation, with participants aged between 12 and 77.

They will be able to pick up their kits, which consist of a helmet, a backpack and a t-shirt, on the eve of the event, although they will have to collect their bicycle on the actual day, June 14th.

Sportis and Portimão Council, are supported by Algar and EMARP, all safety measures at the event are being guaranteed by the PSP, the GNR, the Portimão Bombeiros and the Portimão Red Cross.

What the official communication was avoided saying that the same proposal among others was submitted about 2 years in City Hall, in the person of its President, shifting from advisor to advisor, after traveling to the public company Expo Arade in order to “must show service”.

Without any pretense of originality, just wanted to propose something that we had participated, which generated a public lacking in most sports and environmental initiatives and that the event used to raise funds for causes such as the iniciative “no more violence against women”.

The official communication to the City Council has avoided saying that the proposals and ideas presented on events or other initiatives, are simply collected them for better days and catch the credit as will their own  initiatives. So the brilliant minds and idiots still working every where.

Two years later she gave birth to show for service between the residents and other friends of the bike. Good luck and we keep an alert to all participants: take a repair kit or the bicycle there may be a surprise for you 🙂 🙂 😉


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